The City of Mill Creek is reaching out to the community to complete an online survey on the potential development of City-owned properties.
The City is seeking input on the future development for the four parcels of land (approximately 19 acres) acquired by the City over the last 15 years. This property is adjacent to the Mill Creek Sports Park (13900 North Creek Drive, Mill Creek) and is referred to as the Dobson, Remillard, Church and Cook site or the “DRCC site.”
The survey will collect community needs and opinions as they relate to potential uses of the DRCC site.
City Council is interested in hearing from the community on how to best use this four-parcel site. In this early stage of planning, all options are available for consideration. Potential ideas for site include: recreation, entertainment, education, commerce, municipal uses or something else.
Take a brief survey about the DRCC site at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MillCreekDRCC. The survey is open from March 15 to March 31, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.
Find additional information about the DRCC site at: www.cityofmillcreek.com/cityproperties.