MILL CREEK, Wash. – The City is now accepting applications for the Art & Beautification Board (A&B Board) through July 28, 2023. The A&B Board is a fun and engaging opportunity for anyone who wants to have a voice in decisions affecting Mill Creek and to work with others to make a positive difference in our community. The City currently has three vacancies on the A&B Board.
To learn more, please visit millcreekwa.gov/volunteer and click Boards & Commissions. Interested Mill Creek residents are encouraged to apply by submitting an Interest Form on our website's Board and Commission page by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 28, 2023. Once your form is received, staff will email you an application. The City Clerk will schedule interviews with City Council soon after the application deadline closes. If you have additional questions, please email [email protected] or call (425) 921-5728 to speak with our City Clerk, Adrian Garcia.