The City of Mill Creek recently hosted the Philippine Consular Outreach Mission at Mill Creek City Hall. The Philippine Consulate of San Francisco sent their outreach team, headed by Consul Jed Llona, to Mill Creek for the 5-day event held October 7 -11.
The mission afforded Filipinos and Filipino Americans passport and dual citizenship services without travelling to San Francisco. Instead, more than one thousand applicants from Washington and other states came to Mill Creek to participate. By the end of the event, the Outreach Team and many local volunteers rendered 1,835 consular services, a record number for Washington.
Additionally, on October 6, Mill Creek City Council and staff held a welcome reception for the visiting Consulate team. Consul Llona presented Mayor Brian Holtzclaw with a "Certificate of Appreciation" plaque sent by the Philippine Consulate General of San Francisco, Neil Frank R. Ferrer. Also in attendance were Representative April Berg (D-WA 44th Legislative District), Councilmembers Melissa Duque and Sean Paddock, and City Manager Martin Yamamoto.
Councilmember Duque introduced the team and expressed appreciation for the Consulate's mission. "Programs like this are incredibly valuable for residents who may not have the ability to travel for these services," said Duque. "It's great to know that we were able to be that hub for the Filipino community."
Watch the short video below for highlights from the reception and mission
Photo: Consul Jed Llona presents a plaque to Mayor Brian Holtzclaw. Photo by Scott Harder